MUI Extended UI Components


Form is a controller for input fields

## Usage - use `Form` to wrap inputs within it - use `FormTextField`, `FormSwitch` components , these components are enabled to work with in the form - use `withResetButton` and `withSubmitButton` helpers to add reset and submit buttons ```typescript import { Form, FormProps, FormTextField, FormSwitch, withSubmitButton } from "mui-extended"; import { TextField, Button } from "@mui/material"; const formProps: FormProps; const ResetButton = withResetButton(Button); const SubmitButton = withSubmitButton(Button); const form = ( <Form {...formProps}> <FormTextField name="username" /> <FormSwitch name="remember" InputProps={{ formControlLabelProps: { label: "Remember Me", labelPlacement: "end" } }} /> <ResetButton>Reset</ResetButton> <SubmitButton>Submit</SubmitButton> </Form> );


  • Pure Control of form inputs
    • layout and stying is out of scope
  • Support for nested forms
  • Field validation using
    JSON Schema
    or supplied validators

Components Architecture


Initializes and manages FormContext

  • initialValues
    (Required) Initial values of inputs indexed with input name

  • initialErrors
    (Optional) Initial error messages of inputs indexed with input name

  • onSubmit
    (Optional) callback to invoke when form is submitted. must return a Promise

  • schemas
    (Optional) JSONSchema7 objects indexed with input names.

  • validators
    (Optional) validation functions for each input. type =
    (name: string, value: unknown) => Promise<void>

    • validator is used if present , otherwise default validator is used if schema is found. If there is no schema or validator for a field, then validation is skipped for the field



to access the context within the form

value contains

  • values
    - contains values for all inputs;
  • touched
    - map of input name to boolean , if true - input is touched
  • errors
    - map of input name to error message
  • isDirty
    - true if atleast one field is touched after the Form is mounted
  • isValid
    - true if all fields are valid
  • isSubmitting
    - true if form is submitting
  • onFieldChange
    - function to change the field value. type =
    (name: string, value: unknown) => void
  • onFieldBlur
    - function to indicate a field is blurred, helps to start the validation. type =
    (name: string) => void
  • submit
    : function to submit the form. validation for all fields is run before submitting;
  • reset
    : function to reset the form to initial state;


Following props of any Input component are used to control Input with in the Form.

  • name
    - set the name of the input
  • value
    - set the value from context to input
  • onChange
    - set the value from input to context. to invoke
    on context
  • onBlur
    - to invoke
    on context
  • label
    - to set the label of the input, generated from name if not provided
  • error
    - set the state of the input to error
  • helperText
    - set the error message in the helperText of the input
  • disabled
    - disable the input when form is validating ot submitting

HOC wraps any Input Component to map the above props to FormContext

Form Inputs

The default Input components provided by

does not have all props matching the props required by

Specific wrapper components are created for each Input from

to match the props

All Wrapper Components are described here


This is not a FormAutocomplete

label is auto generated from name

label is auto generated from name

Submitted Values
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